Abacus Project Services
4 May 2024, at 6.46 pm

Acquisition and Disposal of Properties

The Licenced Retail Industry consists of many large, medium and small estates, each of which contain significant numbers of licenced properties.

These estates regularly change hands in part or in whole. Bigger companies seeking to expand or concentrate on certain areas, and who therefore wish to dispose of their holdings in other areas,usually promote this. Smaller estates occasionally acquire properties from individuals and vice versa.

When these transactions take place, it is necessary to carry out a survey of the property to ascertain its structural condition. We also provide an indication of the cost that is involved in carrying out routine maintenance and re-branding and, in some cases, reconfiguring the property to suit the purchaser's own style or aspirations for future use.

We have carried out these functions for numerous clients, and have become adept at understanding the particular costs that may be invisible to the majority of building surveyors, and to provide schedules that indicate clearly the scope of works that have been included within the cost. We are equally aware of the time scale required for producing such information, and have therefore been able to respond to their clients when requested to do so.

Our combination of building surveyors, quantity surveyors, project managers and health & safety experts allows our reports to be comprehensive and to deal with most aspects that would need to be reviewed when a client is either purchasing a freehold interest, or taking over a long lease and thereby becoming responsible for all repairs through the duration of that lease.